Here are the books that I read this past year.

The Luminaries, Eleanor Catton (2013)
My Education, Susan Choi (2013)
The Woman upstairs, Claire Messud (2013)
The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P, Adelle Waldman (2013)
Alif the Unseen, G. Willow Wilson (2013)
This is how you lose her, Junot Díaz (2012)
The Art of Fielding, Chad Harbach (2012)
How Should a Person Be, Sheila Heti (2012)
NW, Zadie Smith (2012)
A Dance with Dragons, George R R Martin (2011)
We the Animals, Justin Torres (2011)
Freedom, Jonathan Franzen (2010)
The Girl who kicked the hornets’ nest, Stieg Larsson (2010)
All the Sad Young Literary Young Men, Keith Glessen (2009)
The Girl who played with Fire, Stieg Larsson (2009)
The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins (2008)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Stieg Larsson (2008)
Spook Country, William Gibson (2007)
Sharp Objects, Gillian Flynn (2006)
A Feast for Crows, George R R Martin (2005)
The Cloud Atlas, Liam Callanan (2004)
The Corrections, Jonathan Franzen (2001)
A Storm of Swords, George R R Martin (2000)
A Clash of Kings, George R R Martin (1999)
Game of Thrones, George R R Martin (1996)
Mating, Norman Rush (1991)

Lean in: women, work, and the will to lead, Sheryl Sandberg (2013)
Heroines, Kate Zambreno (2012)
Are You My Mother?, Alison Bechdel (2012)
Wild: from lost to found on the Pacific Crest Trail, Cheryl Strayed (2012)
Every love story is a ghost story: a life of David Foster Wallace, D.T. Max (2012)
Slouching Towards Bethlehem, Joan Didion (1968)

More Than You Wanted to Know about John Baldessari. Volume 1. John Baldessari (2013)
More Than You Wanted to Know about John Baldessari. Volume 2. John Baldessari (2013)
Forty-one false starts: essays on artists and writers, Janet Malcom (2013)
Topless Jihadis: Inside Femen, the World’s Most Provocative Activist Group, Jeffrey Tayler (2013)
The Information Diet, Clay A. Johnson (2012)
The story of America: essays on origins, Jill Lepore (2012)
Total recall: how the E-memory revolution will change everything, C. Gordon Bell and Jim Gemmell (2009)
The difference, Jean Chatzky (2009)
Sound mind, sound body: David Kirsch’s ultimate 6-week fitness transformation for men and women, David Kirsch (2002)
No more nice girls: countercultural essays, Ellen Willis (1992)
The last intellectuals: American culture in the age of academe, Russell Jacoby (1987)
In the Freud Archives, Janet Malcolm (1983)
Art Worlds, Howard S. Becker (1982)
Psychoanalysis, the impossible profession, Janet Malcolm (1981)

Digital Memory and the Archive, Wolfgang Ernst (2013)
“Raw data” is an oxymoron, Lisa Gitelman (2013)
Burdens of proof, Jean-François Blanchette (2012)
What is media archaeology?, Jussi Parikka (2012)
MP3: the meaning of a format, Jonathan Sterne (2012)
Everyday information: the evolution of information seeking in America, William Aspray and Barbara Hayes (2011)
Programmed visions: software and memory, Wendy Hui Kyong Chun (2011)
Media archaeology: approaches, applications, and implications, Erkki Huhtamo and Jussi Parikka (2011)
I, digital: personal collections in the digital era, Cal Lee (2011)
Surveillance or security?: the risks posed by new wiretapping technologies, Susan Landau (2010)
Mediated memories in the digital age, José van Dijck (2007)
Personal mobilities, Aharon Kellerman (2006)
What’s the Matter with the Internet, Mark Poster (2001)
Bibliography and the sociology of texts, D.F. McKenzie (1999)
The cryptographic imagination : secret writing from Edgar Poe to the Internet, Shawn Rosenheim (1997)
Feminism confronts technology, Judy Wajcman (1991)
The mode of information: poststructuralism and social context, Mark Poster (1990)
Communication as culture: essays on media and society, James Carey (1989)
Control through communication: the rise of system in American management, JoAnne Yates (1989)
Two kinds of power; an essay on bibliographical control, Patrick Wilson (1968)

On Writing
Stylish academic writing, Helen Sword (2012)
Telling about Society, Howard S. Becker (2007)
How to write a lot: a practical guide to productive academic writing, Paul J Silva (2007)
On writing: a memoir of the craft, Stephen King (2000)
Tricks of the trade: how to think about your research while you’re doing it, Howard S. Becker (1998)
If you want to write, Brenda Ueland (1987)
Writing for social scientists: how to start and finish your thesis, book, or article, Howard S. Becker (1986)